Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Test EWB MAP Rwanda Blog

This is an initial test of a blog for posting details of the EWB-MAP trip to Rugerero, Rwanda in August-September 2008.

1 comment:

Adam said...

Yesterday i went to EWB Lehigh Valley Professional meeting. They were talking about the Lehigh University's Student Chapter's water project in Honduras.

Here are few things that may be applicable to our Rwanda project:
1) They had excellent support from local people. Their team was 6 or 8 people and they had about 40 people, including the local foreman, help them out.
2) They used 3/4'' rebar to reinforce concrete. From my own experience in Guatemala, it’s very hard to bend it. We can either consider using thinner rebar (don’t know if that’s possible) or use appropriate tools.
3) They made sure they had eye protection (safety glasses) fore some work.